Why is core strength important? What are the signs of a weak core?

You hear fitness instructors say “engage your core” or “keep your core tight”, but why do they say that? Why is maintaining a strong core important?

The main purpose of your core is to support your spine and transfer energies throughout the body. Think of your spine as the foundation for a strong body. But how do you know you have a weak core?

- Lower Back Pain – Since the core is used in almost every movement of the human body, muscular weakness can be a sign of a weak core. 

- Poor Posture – The core muscles hold your spine and pelvis in place. If these muscles are weak then your body will be unstable. This can cause an inability to stand up straight or sit properly.

- Bad Balance – A weak core will affect your ability to balance since the core muscles support your entire body.

If you have further questions regarding core strength or need advice on how to better strengthen your core, give us a call at 307-682-4900!