

Jordan Malkowksi tries to live each day by the phrase, “If you can be anything, be kind.” Throughout work and her personal life, Jordan strives to treat everyone as if they were a member of her family. Because she saw this standard reflected in the employees of Gillette Physical Therapy, she was attracted to this clinic. Jordan also really liked GPT for the desire of each staff member to want to help one another grow and get better, as well as support one another in developing new ideas. The 3-4 month interview process resulted in the hiring of Malkowkski and her services have been indispensable ever since. Jordan began her career operating at a fairly broad spectrum of therapy. Now, with a Doctorate of Physical Therapy, Malkowski works in specialty areas like spine and neuro, as well as in the area of women’s health.

Through all of life, Jordan finds joy where she is and is focused on soaking up all the life experiences that come her way.

Malkowski is always up for a challenge. This is part of the reason she loves her job as a physical therapist; each day she is able to work with patients that all differ slightly, a situation that continuously generates a challenge or puzzle that she is always eager to solve. Jordan is advancely trained, which gives her an edge in being an above-average therapist. However, it could be argued that her success with patients stems from the fact that she truly cares for each and every individual she works with. As patients leave the clinic, Jordan continues to think about their case and what she can do to best assist them in healing and reaching their goals. As demonstrated in her specializations and extra credentials, Malkowski is passionate about continuing to learn and grow in innovative ways to improve herself and her provided services.

With two young boys at the ages of 3 and 1, Jordan Malkowski considers being a mom to be one of her greatest achievements. In her free time out of the clinic, she loves spending quality time with her kids first and foremost. Aside from that, she also enjoys participating in Spartan races, working at the ranch doing things like branding, and traveling every chance she gets. Whether it be for physical therapy conferences or just a simple vacation, Jordan has caught the travel bug, having visited 17 different countries so far in her lifetime. Malkowski is an active participant not only in other cities as she travels the world, but also in her own community of Gillette. She is an involved member of her church, volunteers through Gillette Physical Therapy at different races and activities, and includes herself in coal mining events.

Education: Doctorate, Physical Therapy, Mayo School of Healther Sciences, Rochester, Minnesota; Bachelor's, Kinesiology and Health Promotion, University of Wyoming

Continuing Education: Spine mobilizations, manipulation of the spine, manual techniques for spine and extremity mobilization and manipulation

Memberships: American Physical Therapy Association, Wyoming Physical Therapy Asoociation